Larry McCoy
2 min readAug 24, 2020


Happy Birthday to Dwight McCoy who would have been 77 today.

Dear Dwight,

You wouldn’t recognize your country today. “Pussy” is now a word used on the front page of The New York Times. Not in the teasing sense of telling a buddy, “You’re a pussy.” But “pussy” as in the genuine article as in “grab’em by the pussy.”

I’d like to know what Dwight McCoy, the accountant, would have thought of a businessman-turned political candidate saying his approach to women was simple: “grab’em by the pussy.” Although he didn’t get the most votes, the Electoral College made him president of the United States.

Who knows? The way things are going The New York Times may change its motto in a few years to “All The News That’s Fit To Pussy.” Catchy, huh?

Trump’s vice president is a Hoosier, Mike Pence. Mike has nice hair and that’s about all. Something called COVID-19 has spread into a pandemic, and Trump put Pence in charge of a task force to deal with it. Other major western nations have handled the problem must better than we have. Let’s just say if the virus has a pussy, neither Trump nor Pence has managed to grab it.

Pence has some sort of disability in which he has to mention Trump in every paragraph. If he were to quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, he probably would say:

“By the rude bridge that arched the flood

“His flag to April’s breeze unfurled

“Here once the embattled Donald Trump stood

“And conquered the virus that threatened the world.”

Pence is such an embarrassment that I now tell strangers I grew up in Iowa.

Some of the changes since you left aren’t all bad. If you were still here now, you and John could get married. I think you would have pounced on that opportunity.

I send notes to the White House every couple of weeks, complaining about the perversions of this administration. I always get a routine “thanks for getting in touch” but never a true response.

When I finish this piece, I’m thinking of writing to the editors of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language and asking if they are considering changing their entry on page 1850: “trump Informal: a reliable or admirable person.”





Larry McCoy

Retired journalist, posts essays at, a new book, “Grandma Told Me To Never Believe Anything Grandpa Says,” is now available at book sellers